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Diskussjoni:Lingwa Maltija

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Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

Dan hu l-post fejn flimkien b'ċivilità niddiskutu fuq l-artiklu innifsu. Għal diskussjoni fuq il-lingwa Maltija mur hawn: Paġni li jiddiskutu il-lingwa Maltija

Fil-lingwa maltija hemm ukoll l-element semitiku, rumanz, kif ukoll l-element anglossano. jezisti ukoll tip ta' element iehor li dan jissejah l-malti mhallat.
L-element semitiku gej mill gharbi, bhal ezempju l-kelma mistrah.l-element rumanz gej mit-taljan bhal ezempju l-kelma kcina fil waqt li l-element anglosassano gej mill-ingliz bhal ezempju l-kelma compjuter. l-element imhallat huwa kliem li jkunu ezempju mhalltin bl-element rumanz u anglosassano.
moved by Srl | Talk 15:43, 30 Mar 2005 (UTC)

In computer sorting the IE is not treated as a single letter but as I+E. The reason is that there are words such as riedukazzjoni where the ie is not a single vowel (a loan word). Plus, mixed in English words such as 'friend' would get incorrectly assigned as 'ie'. Anyways, I'll put this into Maltese later if I get a chance. Srl | lblb 07:38, 9 Mej 2005 (UTC)

Naqbel mieghek Steven. But it's easy to program the sort algorithm so that words beginning with IE are placed after all words beginning with I(*), whilst any internal "ie" is ignored for sorting purposes. --Antoine Cassar 16:54, 9 Mej 2005 (UTC)

Steven m'inhiex cert jekk il-kelma "riedukazzjoni" hija ta' originu tal-lingwa maltija jew le

I. II. III.  ?

[immodifika s-sors]

Hm, i'm wondering about the section numbers:

  1. they can get out of date if another is added above
  2. section #'s will be added automatically if there are more than three parts. (see the Wikipedia:Pjazza for example)

What do you all think? We need a page on style to decide these things. Srl | lblb 20:40, 10 Mej 2005 (UTC)

I don't think we should introduce I., II., etc; actually I don't think we should interfere with section numbers in any way since they are basically introduced automatically and shown in the index at the beginning of each article. So there is really no need to introduce them manually. As you said Srl, there is always the chance of out of date section numbers which could be quite a nuisance. Above all this, all the other Wikis do not introduce numbers manually but leave everything as is and let the numbers be inserted automatically. I think we should follow their example. Just my two cents.

PS. For the time being, I revrted the sections heading back to their original form, that is, without the numbers.

--Roderick Mallia 22:00, 10 Mej 2005 (UTC)


[immodifika s-sors]

I'd be interested to know the sources for this Article. -- 09:50, 26 Mej 2005 (UTC)

Ingliż mhux Anglosassonu

[immodifika s-sors]

Preċiżazzjoni ċkejkna: It-terminu Ingliż meta rridu nirreferu għal kliem misluf minn dil-lingwa eż. kompjuter hija kelma mnissla mill-Ingliż. Anglo-sassonu ma jfissirx l-istess bħal Ingliż; huwa terminu li jfisser "English prior to about 1100", "The English language from the middle of the 5th to the beginning of the 12th century" u s-sinonimu tiegħu hu "Old English". Is-self tagħna nagħmluh mill-ilsien użat f'dawn iż-żminijiet u mhux minn dak ta' eluf ta' snin ilu. Grazzi. --Ferdinand 11:49, 20 Settembru 2005 (UTC)[wieġeb]

L-Alfabett Malti

[immodifika s-sors]

Il-Malti mhux l-uniku lsien semitiku li jinkiteb/jinqara mix-xellug ghal lemin. Lingwi semitici ohra, fosthom il-Amharika, jinkiteb mix-xellug ghal lemin ukoll.--Bulbul 00:34, 24 Jannar 2006 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Skond id-dizjunarju tal-Malti ta' Joseph Aquilina, l-ittra GĦ tiġi wara l-ittra N. -- 09:59, 13 Ġunju 2006 (UTC)[wieġeb]


[immodifika s-sors]

jezisti dizzjunarju mill-ingliz ghall-malti nissuggerixxi li iddahhluh fil-pagna tal- lingwa maltija


Element engliz Anglo sassona 18:34, 4 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]